
Welcome to GoodStamp, the app redefining what it is to be part of a social network. GoodStamp provides a platform for people to connect who might never cross paths, then to show the ripple effects of those interactions on the world around you. It's as easy as dropping color coded pins for a variety of deeds and linking those pins together with a process we call "stamping".

Imagine doing simple things like helping someone change a tire, or buying a stranger a cup of coffee, you can drop a "Good Deed" for that. Picture real time responses for things like, "hey my dog got off his leash, has anyone seen a golden retriever run by?", you can drop an "Need It" for proximity based community responses.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, be creative and find your own ways to use GoodStamps pin system and its wide versatility. At the end of the day GoodStamp is about providing people with an interactive avenue to be everyday heroes through everyday deeds. When you decide to join this apps community always keep one thing in mind, using GoodStamp once in your lifetime can make a positive difference for someone else that lasts a lifetime.